Thursday, November 19, 2009

The "Apple" Image

"It's a really powerful brand," said Robin Rusch, editor of the, which awared Apple "Brand of the Year" in 2001. "The overwhelming presence of Apple comes through in everything they do."

Apple's new, rejuvenated brand has not only made them internationally known, but its also created an almost "'cult-like" following. Rusch goes onto say, "Without the brand, Apple would be dead."

Apple's branding focuses on a person's emotions in ALL aspects of the campaign. It's about "lifestyle; imagination; liberty regained; innovation; passion; hopes, dreams and aspirations." The brand also focuses alot on the concept of "simplicity."

No we all know Apple's marketing campaigns about the Mac vs. PC. However, in the PR area of Apple, there is also a "Switchers" campaign as well. This campaign features "real" people, not actors, who have switched from a PC to a Mac. They explain their reasons why and the benefits as well as the cons of that switch. These types of campaigns by Apple are part of the reason why they have such a huge following. Many people can relate to Apple products because they are marketed to the average Joe as well as the tech-savvy and business oriented individuals.

Last year, an event occurred in China involving the iPhone that many wonder whether it was a brilliantly planned PR campaign or just an unbelievably lucky accident. The story goes that a British man opened his brand new iPhone to find images of a young Chinese lady on his phone. The pictures were eventually traced back to a worker who was taking pictures in order to test out the camera. Anyways, the news story blew up in China and negotiations immediately started between Apple and China Mobile to bring the iPhone to China. The customer base in China for the iPhone would be astronomical in size and profit.

Apple's brand image can best be seen in their iPhone product. It's innovative, fresh, new, imaginative, simple, and provides the user with an infinite number of possibilities. It's also sleek, somewhat exclusive, and the first of its kind.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower," Steve Jobs, Apple CEO.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

CEO Steve Jobs

"Nobody has tried to swallow us since I've been here. I think they are afraid how we would taste." -Steve Jobs (Apple shareholder meeting)

Many wonder how its possible that one man remade computers, music, movies and phones, but all of that has made Apple CEO Steve Jobs the epitome of a successful CEO. During his time as CEO he has revamped an recreated the entire Apple brand, making it one of the most successful companies of 2009.

"There's an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. 'I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.' And we've always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will." -Steve Jobs

Apple's Biography of CEO Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is the CEO of Apple, which he co-founded in 1976. Apple leads the industry in innovation with its award-winning Macintosh computers, OS X operating system, and consumer and professional applications software. Apple is also leading the digital music revolution, having sold more than 200 million iPods and over eight billion songs from its iTunes online store. Apple has also entered the mobile phone market with its revolutionary iPhone.

Steve also co-founded Pixar Animation Studios, which has created eight of the most successful and beloved animated films of all time: Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars and Ratatouille. Pixar has won 20 Academy Awards and its films have grossed more than $4 billion at the worldwide box office to date. Pixar merged with The Walt Disney Company in 2006 and Steve now serves on Disney's board of directors.

Steve grew up in the apricot orchards which later became known as Silicon Valley, and still lives there with his wife and three children.

Steve Jobs Commencement Speech at Stanfords Graduation....
An Inspiring Man Not Only in His Work, But in His Words As Well

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Investor Relations

Apple's Annual Report:

You would think that because Apple is a multi-billionare dollar company with hundreds of thousands of shareholders that they would willingly create a very glossy and sheek Annual Report. Au contrar! Infact, Apple doesn't even make an annual report. Especially with Apple's popularity and massive business growth in the past few years they would love to share that information with their shareholders. Unfortunately, the only thing to be found on the Investor Relations link on the Apple website is the SEC 10-K filing. And to be honest, what investor, let alone any human being would want to read that? I can't think of a single person!

With Apple being an uber-techy yet customer-simplicity focused company, the press releases regarding 4th Quarter Earnings were pretty basic to understand. It basically stated that comparing itself to its competition it was monumentously successful. Also, even with our economy in such a downslop, Apple had their highest yearly profit in decades. They do admit that this profit is largely thanks to the iPhone. There was no quote from the CEO but there was on from the CFO explaining how happy Apple was with their success this past year.
I would definitely suggest that Apple go back to 2006 (when they still made reports) and create some type of Annual Report, or at least a letter to their investors. With hunderds of thousands of individuals purchasing stock in Apple, they should be able to know what is going on with their companies profits and losses. And moreso because of Apple's success they should want to share the news in order to create more positive opinions of their company.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apple's dedication to the Community

Apple's reputation lends itself to being a calm, cool, and collected company. So of course, its only natural that the organizations they donate to and volunteer with are considered "cool" as well.
Apple's most popular community relations campaign was the RED Campaign. Apple along with various other large companies formed a partnership with U2's "Bono" in order to create awareness about AIDS/HIV in Africa. Apple's slogan throughout the entire campaign was


Although the RED Campaign is not as popular as it was when it was initially put into effect, Apple is still donating alot of their time and effort to the cause.

On their page about the Product(Red) Campaign they write:

*Official RED Campaign Commercial*

And of course, what kind of company would Apple be if they weren't to donate some of their earnings to causes they believed in?

Back in 2008, when California was in the midst of voting on the same-sex marriage ballot, Apple came to the aid and donated $100,000 to fight the ban.

"Our campaign is a campaign of the people," Sonja Eddings Brown, deputy communications director on Yes on 8, said today following Apple's announcement. "We knew we would never be able to compete with the large corporations and Hollywood. We represent the families. We are standing up and pushing back with everything we have."

And last but not least, what is Apple most often known for? Their Mac's you say....Well, that would be CORRECT!

Anyways, getting back to Apple in the community. Often times during tragedies, such as after September 11, the california wildfires, and for schools that are desperately in need, Apple will donate a large portion of its products.

Unfortunately, with all good companies, there is always that one skeleton in the closet.

Now, although Apple shunning a charity iphone app may not seem like the brightest idea in hindsight, it must not be ignored all of the good that Apple has done not only in its local community, the Silicon Valley in California, but what community efforts they have put forth both domestically and internationally. (And if the rumors are true that Apple will be creating a red iphone in order to refuel the RED Campaign, then COUNT me IN for an UPGRADE!!!!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

AT&T No Longer the Only iPhone Provider

So this blog may be a few hours late, but rather then writing about a dry Apple announcement I decided to wait until today to see if the rumors were true, and SURPRISE, they are! For the past few years AT&T has been the exclusive provider for the Apple iPhone in the United States and Canada. Yay for AT&T users, but "nay" for those of us that have other providers. (Or "yay" for those who switched over :)

Wait for it though..... this will ONLY be happening in Canada, at least for the moment.

Only hours after midnight, TELUS and Bell both confirmed that the Apple iphone would be available starting in November.

Since this announcement is only hours old, public relations at Apple must sure be having a good day. Imagine, for years AT&T has been the exclusive provider and for years people have been waiting for other phone providers to offer the iphone; and finally, it's here!

Rather then spending hundreds of thousands of dollars using the media to relay this announcement, Apple should owe a big fat thank-you to all of its fans! Amongst Apple fans, which are in the millions, news manages to spread faster then wildfire!

However, I do believe that Apple often relies too much on their fan base. When googling "Apple annoouncements" to check the latest news, the blogs providing information outnumber the news stories drastically. Now I understand that this news has just been confirmed, but come on Apple, publicize yourselves!! Don't make your bloggers do it for you (even if it is free)

So then I thought, what about YouTube? I'm sure there have already been dozens of news stories about the iphone's release in Canada, right? WRONG! In fact, there is only one story about it, and its by a blogger!

The iPhone is Coming to Bell and TELUS

As the day goes on I will definitely be updating on how Apple is using the media to make people aware about the two addition iphone providers!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Social Media A Surprising "Nay" For Apple Inc.

So imagine my amazement when I Googled "social media and apple," seeing article after article about Apple being against social media. Dave Fleet, a communications blogger wrote,

"Despite being the one company that, more than any other, raised awareness of podcasting and gave the music industry a kick up the ass with iTunes, Apple is dismissive of social software."

He goes on to further explain how employees are discouraged from blogging and that many anti-Apple forums have been taken down by the company.

According to another story Apple even sued a blogger that was tracking Apple news claiming she was "leaking trade secrets." has got to wonder, right?

So all Apple-being-anti-social-media aside, why is Apple more successful then ever in a time when social media has such a large influence on a companies "rep?"

Here...I'll give you some time to think.

Okay, fine. Like any other celebrity, Apple's popularity is all thanks to its FANS! Yes, yes, it is true. We are all to thank for Apple's success. Well, that and all of its incredible products that yours truely "oh so loves."

And now for your vieweing pleasure, I like to call this one "Stick to the script, or else there will be PR hell to pay."

Hold it! If you have been reading this blog as religiously as I assume you are, then of course you know how much of a Apple lover I am. Therefore, (although it took a bit of digging) I did find some good news about Apple using social media.

1. They have numerous forums about all of their products. However, rather than being targeted towards potential customers, these forums focus on individuals who have already purchased a product and their after-thoughts of them.

2. Apple and Facebook. Yes, Apple has "fallen victim" to the addicting world of Facebook as well. With a group of over 1,400,000 people, Apple offers special incentives to these members. The downside? Many people who have seen this blog do not consider it a form of two-way communication, but rather another attempt by a Fortune 500 company to market itself to another group of people. (Boo, Apple, you're breaking a girls heart over here!)

One of my favorite blogs written about Apple and its apathetic approach to social media is by the Silicon Valley Watcher.

So the moral of the story:

1. Although Apple does have some ties to social media, it is no where near enough for a company of such grandeur.

2. Because Apple exploded the world of music downloading and iPods and popularized podcasts, they more than any other company should be ahead of the "social media" game.

3. Apple can only depend on a loyal fan base for so long. Take some advice from Beyonce, becomes an I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T WOMAN ALREADY!

"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why" Bernard M. Baruch

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"The core value that differentiates Apple...

... is our ability to innovate,"   said Ron Johnson, Senior Vice President of Retail Operations at Apple.

Where in the world is APPLE in the news....

Ed White of the Associated Press... 

"Eminem's music publisher is suing Apple Inc., claiming they never authorized the use of 93 songs in a downloadable format on Apple's popular iTunes service."

Will Park of InTo Mobile... 

"The AppStore last Friday saw an incredible surge of 1,394 iPhone apps going live. Apple (NSDQ: AAPL), in a single day, approved more apps for the AppStore than there are apps in the entire App Catalog (many times more, in fact)!"

Gabriel Madway of Reuters... 

"As computer makers roll out their new notebooks and netbooks ahead of the end-year holiday shopping season, razor-thin, sleek and colorful are most definitely in, as are arresting designs in an ever-expanding array of choices.  It was only a few years ago that most laptops were some variation of a dull box that came in gray or black, with the exception of Apple Inc, which was making distinctive laptops back in the 1990s."


And now....for your viewing pleasure, the newest Mac vs. PC commercial....